Telegram Bots Help

Database Handling

AbilityBots come with an embedded DB. Users are free to implement their own databases via implementing the DBContext class. The abstraction has multiple constructors to accommodate user-defined implementations of DBContext and MessageSender. We'll talk about the message sender interface in the [[Bot Testing|Bot-Testing]] section.


We'll be introducing an ability that maintains a special counter for every user. At every /increment, the user will receive a message with the previous number + 1. We'll initially start from zero and increment upwards.

/** * Use the database to fetch a count per user and increments. * <p> * Use /count to experiment with this ability. */ public Ability useDatabaseToCountPerUser() { return Ability.builder() .name("count") .info("Increments a counter per user") .privacy(PUBLIC) .locality(ALL) .input(0) .action(ctx -> { // db.getMap takes in a string, this must be unique and the same everytime you want to call the exact same map // TODO: Using integer as a key in this db map is not recommended, it won't be serialized/deserialized properly if you ever decide to recover/backup db Map<String, Integer> countMap = db.getMap("COUNTERS"); int userId = ctx.user().getId(); // Get and increment counter, put it back in the map Integer counter = countMap.compute(String.valueOf(userId), (id, count) -> count == null ? 1 : ++count); /* Without lambdas implementation of incrementing int counter; if (countMap.containsKey(userId)) counter = countMap.get(userId) + 1; else counter = 1; countMap.put(userId, counter); */ // Send formatted will enable markdown String message = String.format("%s, your count is now *%d*!", ctx.user().getUserName(), counter); silent.send(message, ctx.chatId()); }) .build(); }

After successfully adding that ability to your bot, try to /count and watch as the number increases at every message. Other important functions in the db object:

  • getSet - gets a set of data

  • getList - gets a list of data

  • summary - gets a summary of the present structs

Be sure to check out DBContext for all the implemented methods.

Last modified: 02 December 2024